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Bomberos, Asado, Radio Show and Posadas in Paraguay

A home in the middle of an open field in Paraguay

I know it's been a long time since i updated but getting internet is a lot more difficult than I imagined. Almost as difficult as blogging using an iTouch. I would use my laptop but it's not even
worth trying to fix right now and Eric's laptop has no wireless card. So with the last bit of battery I have left I blog.
Peace Corp volunteer playing guitar in Paraguay

July 4th
We ventured into the pueblo in Carapegua for the day. First we headed to Scott's house and dropped our stuff and hung out for a while. Scott had a real nice place with couches a rarity in these parts and even had a spare bedroom. The boys would be staying there and I would be going to Rebecca's house. Rebecca lives with what she describes to be the Golden Girls. Sure enough upon meeting the four women the resemblance was uncanny. We drank and had a chugging contest which only Eric and I continued after two rounds then headed to the annual fundraiser for the volunteer Bomberos. Eric failed to mention that it was a formal affair so Jordan and I really looked like nortes. We sat there for nearly 5 hrs before we could finally leave. It was nice but mostly we were tired and just wanted to sleep. The chicken was delicious.
Sunset in Carapegua, Paraguay

July 5th
Since the Bomberos fiesta was on the fourth we decided to have a delayed celebration a Eric's site. We bought carne for burgers and panchos (hot dogs) which eric's family said was made of real dog. Will, Rebecca, Mateo, Eric, Jordan and I were headed to the campo when Eric gets a phone call from one of the Bomberos asking him to take this random French kid who we met the night before and was staying in the firehouse with us to see the campo. So being a generally nice guy Eric said ok. We hopped on the bus and went to Eric's shack to prepare for the BBQ. After a few hours we headed to Eric's neighbor the high school principal where we would be cooking. Frenchie joined us later and everyone ate drank and ate more. Will brought his guitar and Mateo started playing and singing. We headed back late and continued the party. Eventually one by one everyone passed out. Somehow Mateo made his 5am bus without waking anyone up.
Pouring terere or mate in Paraguay

July 6
We went back into the pueblo and hung out in the centro drinking terere. Will left to catch the bus back to his site and soon afterwards we headed to the radio station so Rebecca and Eric could do their show. It was maybe 5 miles of rough hazardous terrain and I got so sweaty I thought I had jumped into a warm salty pool. Miserable we finally made it. It was interesting to see Scott Rebecca and Eric do their norte show on the radio. Jordan and I even got to go on and introduce ourselves. Afterwards we went to the grocery for dinner supplies and I drank 2 liters of water in 5 minutes. We got a ride back to the campo and I got to ride in the back of the truck for the first time in my life. I loved it despite being cramped. We made grilled cheese and drank a liter of hot chocolate and watched entourage.
Sitting outside the local radio station in Paraguay

July 7
We awoke to terrible rain and when it rains since the roads are dirt we were afraid that we would be stuck in the campo. We packed and the bus came after all. We got to the pueblo ate bought hammocks and got on an 8hr bus to Encarnacion. We got off the bus and headed for the hotel then immediately to Hiroshima a popular Japanese restaurant. We ate 2 dinners each and drank sake and had a ball. Afterwards we headed to an outdoor bar for more beer then back to the hotel to watch Entourage and sleep.
The skyline of Posadas, Argentina

July 8th.
Today we hopped a bus and headed to Argentina. I was jealous that Jordan ditched his sleeping bag so his bag is now lighter than mine. It's rainy here in Posadas and we are staying in a hostel. There is wifi here which is an upgrade but the living arrangements are a definitely downgrade. The rain is cold perfect for a movie but the cinema was closed due to swine flu. So now we are talking to a German and an Aussie and figuring out what our next move should be.
Looking forward to seeing everyone again and not having to live out of a backpack.

1 comment:

  1. Briz I hope you're managing alright. It sounds like a great experience. Get back safely. Give Jordy and Jesus a slap upside the head for me (why? I have no idea)
