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Eurotrip 2011

I've been looking forward to going on a big elaborate trip since I got back from Paraguay two years ago. After hours of research and planning, discussion and debate though we're off to Europe!

I'll be traveling for 11 days through four countries with two of my favorite people, Joe and HT, and I couldn't be more thrilled. I'm excited to get back to Europe, having been to Germany so many years ago, and I feel like my trip is well overdue. I haven't even left yet and already I'm planning on going back in the fall!

HT is already in Madrid, having left 3 days before Joe and I, and from what he's said we have a lot to look forward to. He already went on a tour of old Madrid and the last I heard from him he was off to go find a place to drink a bit before dinner. He also managed to send us an e-mail that gave me the impression that we're in for an adventure once the three of us are reunited in Madrid:

"I´m typing this up from the hostel´s computer but should I end up missing a kidney / accidentally impregnate someone / become a local drug lord, I will reach you."

This is going to be quite an adventure.

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