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I could do without the Tourist Mexico

photo from a street corner with palm trees lining the street to the left and a white building with balconies to the right of the street


I'm not sure what it is about this part of town. Perhaps it's the super-tourism - the fact that the only people that really come through here are tourists. But doing anything but going to the beach or pool requires putting up with salesmen. People trying to sell you things you don't need or get you to go on "Wilderness Adventures." Everything is "it's almost free." To be honest it's exhausting and makes me hate this place and the people in it. I'd so much rather be anywhere else in the world then here.

Besides that the hotel offers nothing. There's a pool and a tiny beach. A terrible restaurant and a random mini-mart/deli. The internet is spotty at best and costs an arm and a leg.

The only good thing to come from this trip is the tan and the time that I've spent with the family. Its rare that we are somewhere all together without any distractions.

The next time that I head this way I'm definitely not going to a touristy place. Maybe it was all that traveling in the backwoods and countryside that ruined me. Or maybe it was spending all that time in midtown Manhattan this summer but whatever it is I have no patience for tourists or to be attacked like a delicious juicy lamb because I am one.


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