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Transit Day - Sydney to Auckland

Last night I kept waking up mid panic attack. Either I thought I lost something or I don't even remember what it was that made me freak out but it happened three or four times before I left. Maybe it's because I was so relaxed when I left Melbourne and left behind a ton of stuff accidentally. Instead I was on the other end of the spectrum - an overwound ball of worry. So far, however, it seems that everything went off fine and there's nothing more missing from my bag.

Everything after I left the airport was uneventful. The cab ride was chatty but smooth, check-in was easy, getting through security was a breeze, found my gate fine, got to fly with an empty middle seat, arrived in New Zealand and took the SkyBus into the city. Walked to my hostel. All of that was pretty much my entire day. I spoke with some of my friends briefly and got the bottom buck in my cramped and warm dorm room. 

It's already nearly 6pm and I'm only in Auckland tonight and tomorrow night. On Sunday I'm renting a car and heading down to see the Hobbit, about a 3 hour drive from the city. My first night here I realized that I couldn't find the confirmation for my ticket so I bought another one just in case I didn't actually buy the first. It's a little bit of overkill but I'd rather be sure then miss out especially since that's the whole reason I'm renting a car and leaving the city!

I'm back in a new hostel's common room slash kitchen. There's a group of boys playing poker and a bunch of people preparing elaborate dinners. A few like me are just siting here on their devices. Despite the overcast skies and slight drizzle there's still some daylight left. I've already spent the last hour sitting around trying to figure out what I'm going to do while in the city (sightseeing bus tour of course) and now I need to find dinner and figure out what I'm going to do with the evening.


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