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Dealing with Wanderlust - Part 2

It's amazing what can happen in a few months time. I went from dying to get back on the road to feeling perfectly fine being domesticated. A lot of it had to do with the time I was spending with friends, both in real life and online. While I was away I had a chance to meet up with one of my online friends and it was an amazingly fun time - top 10 nights I've spent hanging out with someone. Of course meeting up with old friends who I haven't seen in weeks or months was great too. It gave me such a wonderful opportunity to reconnect with all the people I had missed.

My first weekend back after my first trip in months, however, I found myself back in my apartment  recovered from all the sleep that I missed when traveling around Texas but with nothing to do. I sat in bed for a bit and wondered what did I usually do on a Saturday? I found some things to do while puttering around but without my gaming buddies to stay up all night playing with it still left me a bit lost and wondering if I had done something wrong to annoy my friend who usually joins me for shenanigans.

I have another trip coming up soon, something short to Vegas where I've been a few times before (like this time, or this time). I guess I've never been good at the transition between travel and home. The time it takes to get from one to the other is painful. I often find myself in the same predicament of being unable to remember what my routine is when not on the road. Without people or a routine to keep me grounded, the pull of a new adventure is too strong to ignore and how I can get back to living out of a suitcase as quickly as possible.


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