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Never Get Lost in a New City Again - Google Maps Tips

Google Maps is one of the top tools you can have on your smartphone when traveling, with the ability to see where you are and get from one place to another, but there are lots of features beyond getting directions that can help make your next trip even better.

Save your map offline.

Before this feature made it’s way to iOS I was screenshotting directions and maps to save to my camera roll for reference later. Now with offline maps you can see where you are even without cell service. The process is a bit hard to remember and it’s best to be on wifi otherwise you can be stuck waiting for an hour or more depending on how large the area is that you’re trying to save.

Custom Maps aka Google My Maps.

When planning a multi-day trip with a bunch of people it can be difficult to not only get everyone on the same page but figure out what you want to do together before you get to your destination. A custom map allows everyone to save their favorite points of interest on a shared map to figure out what the best way to see everything is.

Saving points of interest.

I like to plan out where I’m going to go the morning of my adventure but the problem is a lot of times I’ll forget the name of the place I was trying to go later when I’m out and about. When you look up a location on Google Maps there’s a button just below the description that allows you to save the location to a list. Then when you go back and look at your offline map the spot you wanted to go is already there marked on the map.

Transit directions.

This is perhaps GMaps’ greatest strength. No matter what city you’re in, if there is public transit, Google Maps will tell you how to get from point A to point B using it. The downside is that it doesn’t tell you how to pay or tell you exactly where to pick up the bus (it can actually be very inaccurate for bus stop locations). The upside is that you don’t have to wander in circles or walk long distances when the subway or bus could’ve gotten you there just as easily.

Reviews and Explore.

You can search on your map or hit the Explore function from the menu to get a generic list of breakfast, lunch, or dinner recommendations. Reviews that are available on Google have come a long way since they started to gamify the review writing process. While they often skew high and the information is often not as helpful as dedicated review services like Yelp or Foursquare, it is still a good way to find things nearby that you may want to see, eat, or drink.

Share Location.

If you’ve wandered off on your own and now find yourself with no good way to explain to your co-travelers how they can find you there is an option to share your device’s location. It does require their device to have Wi-Fi to get your latest location but if you’re not planning on wandering any further it is much easier than just pointing out a nearby landmark.


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