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Going from Tourist to Traveler

Asphalt path with chicken wire fence on each edge. To the right of the path are large evergreen trees. To the left of the path is long brown grass.
The path forward isn't always straight (photo by TravellingFool.com)
Travelers are a unique group of people with the thirst of adventure and a free spirited outlook on life who love being on the road. These are all actions and behaviors that I noticed during my most recent trip to Riga, where a couple people were labelled as “those Americans” or “not welcome” in a group of otherwise very welcoming people. It may seem obvious when reading this, and can probably be summarized by “be a good person,” but there are specific things that you should try to be more aware of in your own behavior to share “good vibes” while on the road.
  1. Be generous with others. Also known as nobody likes a mooch. If someone offers to buy you a drink you should repay the favor, and even if you don’t have the money to buy the next round there is always another way to repay their generosity.
  2. Leave your ego at the door. If you have an undying need to be the center of attention, then you’re not really cut out for the traveling crowd. The reason that travelers are often attracted to spending time with each other is because they are all there to learn and grow in one way or another, it’s hard to do that if you’re always seeking attention.
  3. Go in with an open mind. You’re going to meet people from all walks of life and backgrounds under the same roof as you so it’s important to remember that everyone has their own story and deserves not to be judged for it. If you do have preconceived notions about something it’s best to keep them to yourselves and see if someone new can’t change your mind.
  4. Don’t fall into the bragging hole. When chiming into a discussion, let’s say on how many countries you’ve been to, be mindful not to brag about or try to one-up everyone there. Sharing stories with your fellow travelers should be about spreading knowledge, not a measurement of who is the best.


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