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Switzerland Day 4 - The Long Road Home

I had a fitfull night of sleep. The anxiety of returning to my new job and being unsure if I'll be able to cut it there making the soft glow of the Zurich night feel like a flashlight shining in my eye. Eventually the sun began to rise and I got ready to head out with Karen and start my journey home. 

I hugged Karen goodbye at the tram stop, headed to the railway station and picked up a croissant to bring to the airport. When I got to the airport and finally found the check-in desk (it was like searching through an Escher painting for an exit) I was stopped first by a little security guard before being allowed to go to the baggage drop off desk. The questioning went like this. 

Hello where are you going today? 
Back to Ny? When did you arrive?
Where did you stay?
What did you do?
How long was the train ride to Zermatt?
What did you do there?
Did you ski?
Why not?
Well sometimes just a few hours is all you need. Where do you usually ski?
So did you see the big mountain?
How did you get there?
How much was it?
Did you do anything else?
Are you carrying anything for anyone?
Did anyone have access to your bag?
Are there any battery operated things in your bag?
Is that your only bag?
Did you enjoy your trip?
Thank you. 

The amount of questioning that happens coming in and out of Zurich is unbearable. If I were going to another country from here then maybe 1/8th of those questions are applicable. But I was going home to New York, flying an American based airline. For the amount of trouble it was coming into and out of this country it definitely makes me think twice about a return trip. I did appreciate that customs stamped my passport on the often ignored second page that had been blank for years as other countries just kept moving deeper into my passport. 

So after being grilled by the airport and making the long journey to the gate and finding the free wifi password here I am. Despite the trouble that security gave me I am glad that I was able to come and catch up with Karen while seeing a new country. It was a beautiful place and a great break from the daily grind. 

Now it's just a matter of planning where my next trip will take me. 


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